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Cardboard Bookshelf 2 ways!

Updated: Jul 22, 2018

This bookshelf is unique ! It can stand up in 2 different ways ! When I imagined it, I didn’t know exactly where it would fit so I decided to have 2 options ! My idea was to give the impression that the shelves were falling apart but I respected the balance to avoid it to really happen!

Here is the sketch (my measurements are in centimeters… I am definitively not friendly with inches but I am get used to it!)

Let's talk about technique: “meshing”

This technique is the most used.

you need 3 profiles (front, intermediate and background). The intermediate one will be the skeleton, in which you will make notches that will take crosspieces. This method ensures the strength of the furniture.

So I did 4 squares with 3 profiles for each.

It’s a tricky part, because you must have identical profiles, to obtain a perfect square. It’s the reason why I cut out my pieces of cardboard at one time with a jigsaw and not with a cutter . Next step, I covered my 4 squares and protected the edges with gummed tape.

Then I chose a shape and I decided to put this bookshelf either upright or in horizontal way. I put the furniture up along the wall and then the floor ! I stuck the parts together with a glue gun and sealed them with gummed tape. Nobody could interrupt me ! I didn’t want a Tower of Pisa !

Here we are ! I love the impression that 2 squares are floating in the air. Do you like it?

For the finishing stage, I waterproofed the whole furniture as usual and this time I coated it with a plaster and gave it a texture using a tape knife.

A very light sanding and it’s time to paint !

I chose a brown paint. My son thought I was using the rest of “Nutella”, and he was so angry with me !

Finally, I varnished it and Voilà.

This furniture is sturdy AND functional!

I donated this bookshelf at the School’s Auction and the lucky buyer found a room for it in his house!


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